Life Advisers

Everything you need to know about being a Hollard Life Adviser

Watch our video on the benefits of using Holly

Watch our video on the benefits of using Holly

Watch our video on the benefits of using Holly

Forms & downloads

Servicing forms

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Beneficiary Nomination Form

Non-smoker Declaration

Cancellation Form

Policy Servicing Form

Cession Form

Surrender Form

Juristic Entity Addendum

Refund of Credit Form

Debit Order Form

Application forms

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Printable & editable applications:

Full Application

Full Application - Afrikaans Version

Juristic Entity Addendum

Life Insured Application

Policyholder Application

Declaration of Acceptance

My Life and More Benefit Amendment

Aansoekvorm vir Lewensversekerde 

Aansoek vir Hollard se Lewenspolis – Versekerde Lewe_16 Feb 2021

Aansoek vir Hollard se Lewenspolis - Polishouer_16 Feb 2021

Aansoek vir Hollard se Lewenspolis - Polishouer

RAR – PPR 19:

Replacement Advice Record 

Claims forms

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Death Claim Form - Police

Business Overhead Expenses Benefit Claim Form

Disability Claim Form - Claimant

Certificate of Continued Disability Claim Form

Disability Claim Form - Employer

Certificate of Existance for a Claim

Disability Claim Form - Medical Attendant

Certificate of Income Received


Critical Illness Claim Form - Life Insured

Funeral/Final Expenses Form

Critical Illness Claim Form - Medial Attendant

Indemnity Form for Crisis Waiver Cash Back

Death Claim Form - Claimant

Policyholder Form for Critical Illness and Disability Claims

Death Claim Form - Medical Attendant

Retrenchment Claim Form

Stop Debit Order Form

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Stop Order Authorisation – Life

Stop Order Authorisation – Short Term

Underwriting forms

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Aerobatics Questionnaire


Arthritis Questionnaire


Asthma Questionnaire


Aviation Questionnaire


Back and Neck Questionnaire - Life Insured


Chest Pain Questionnaire


Declaration of Health


Diabetic Questionnaire - Life Insured


Diabetic Questionnaire - Medical Attendant


Diving Questionnaire


Diving Questionnaire - Commercial


Doctor's Notification Letter


ECG Questionnaire


Epilepsy Questionnaire - Life Insured


Epilepsy Questionnaire - Medical Attendant


Financial Statement - Keyman


Financial Statement - Partnership Cover


Financial Statement - Personal Needs Cover


Financial Statement - Security for a Loan


Foreign Travel Questionnaire


Gastro Intestinal Questionnaire


General Questionnaire


Habits Questionnaire - Alcohol


Habits Questionnaire - Drugs


Heart Chart By Physician Specialist Form


Hunting Questionnaire


Insolvency Questionnaire


Medical Tariff Codes


Mental Health Questionnaire - Life Insured


Mental Health Questionnaire - Medical Attendant


Mining Questionnaire


Motor Car Racing Questionnaire


Motorcycle Questionnaire


Mountaineering Questionnaire


Non-smoker Declaration


Occupational Questionnaire


Pathology Request


Porphyria Questionnaire


Powerboat Racing Questionnaire


PMA - Disease Management


PMA Request Form


Pulmonary Request


Regular Passenger Aviation Questionaire


Retest of Blood Pressure


Short Medical Report


Sky Diving & Parachuting Questionnaire


Standard Medical Report


Taxi Questionnaire

Illustration of a purple plant

Please log in to our a Lifezone broker portal.

Download LifeQuote

LifeQuote is Hollard Life’s easy-to-use desktop quoting tool that allows you to generate not only new business quotations for Life cover, Critical illness and Disability (to name a few) but also to print a complete benefits summary pack for your client on the benefits selected, that you can use as part of your record of advice.

In order to download the latest version of LifeQuote, please log in to the LifeZone portal and click on the LifeQuote icon. Once downloaded, extract the zip file contents and open the LifeQuote.exe file. Follow the onscreen prompts to finish the installation.

Broker accreditation

Completing our online accreditation exam will help you, the financial adviser, to familiarise yourself with our Life Insurance product offering, which will assist you when you offer financial advice to your clients.

This accreditation is open to Life insurance financial advisers registered on our LifeZone (previously AltZone) portal, that market and sell risk policies. By better understanding our products you will be able to provide more effective financial advice to your clients. The course material will ensure that you don’t give incorrect product information which could lead to your client’s expectations not being met.

In order to achieve accreditation, you will simply be required to score 80% on the exam. On successful completion, we will email your accreditation certificate to you directly. If you are unsuccessful, please take the time to try again.

You will be required to log in to your LifeZone broker profile in order to access the broker accreditation facility.

Please access the LifeZone portal and navigate to the broker accreditation section.